Multi-site Church

Answering pressing questions about building multi-site church

“Whether a church goes the multi-site route, and how this is administrated, will depend on a number of factors; including the resources and people available, what gifts they have etc. What is essential though, is that whatever structure we implement, the structure must be biblical and must be of service to the church.

The concept of multi-site churches is becoming increasingly popular across the world. However, there are many questions that need to be answered before a church pursues such a strategy: Is it Biblical? What does it look like? What problems can I expect? This booklet endeavours to answer some of the biggest questions faced by a leadership team around this important issue.

Mike serves on eldership in Joshua Generation Church. He is married to Chantal and they have two daughters. He loves to see people equipped to effectively serve the Kingdom of God through teaching and writing. Follow him on Facebook for more.

© Reproduction, printing and distribution is restricted and subject to obtaining approval from the copyright owners at [email protected]. First Edition January 2020, Cape Town.


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